Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 1

Bonjour, We have arrived in Chamonix, and are experiencing technical difficulties with our computer. We made our flight connections, barely, and arrived in Chamonix this afternoon. Chamonix is in a valley between Mont Blanc and Augille Rouge, another range of mountains. The L'Arve River runs through the middle of town, and you can see people rafting on it as you walk through town. The mountains are steep; thy go straight up and we find ourselves amazed to be in this charming mountain village. It's a bit cloudy today; but from our hotel room; we look straight at the glacier of Mont Blanc. We met up with our group in the airport in Geneva and took 2 vans to Chamonix. We were able to walk the town and rest before meeting up again at night. Our guide, Danielle, is fro, Chamonix. She said she has done the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB) about 'à times. She works as a guide in ,any capacities, with skiers, mountain bikers... We also have an assistant; Karen, and a driver, Isabel. We had a quick meeting tonight followed by dinner with our new companions. A group of &é hikers from all over the US (Nashville, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, California, and Washington). We can plan on meeting for breakfast each morning; hiking 6-8 hours per day, eating a picnic lunch and perhaps having a nap on the mountain, before heading into our next town. In some cases we will only encounter hikers and cows. Thanks for following us, oceans of love, Katie and John ,

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